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zondag 31 januari 2010

Have more than one character.

One of the most important things to make an enormous amount of gold on World of Warcraft is to have more then one character. You can only take two professions per character means you can only expand in two markets. If you have various character means you can do various professions daily's.
Let's take Jewelcrafting and Alchemy. If you have 5 level 65+ characters with all Jewelcrafting/Alchemy you could do the following:
  • 5x Icy prism = 5x chance on epic gem
  • 5x Daily Dragon Eye = 500g per day
  • 5x Epic gem transmute = 750g per day without the proc. If you have 1 Elixir Master and rest Transmute you could even make more gems per day. I take 150g per epic gem, but with your Jewelcrafter you could make gems that would probably sell for 200g each that would be 1000g per day doing almost nothing.
This is an guaranteed 1500g per day wich is 10,500g per week only spending 30 minutes per day. That's an average of 2300g per hour!

I don't really recommend taking only Alchemy and Jewelcrafting but try to split all crafting and gathering professions between your alts so you can compete in any market.

Below vendor cost on the Auction House.

Another make some guarenteed money post, can be much, can be a little depending on what you are used to, awesome if you just rerolled and need some gold.

Do a fast getall scan with Auctioneer (
Open your Auctioneer window and press the >> button

Do a vendor search with Auctioneer
Your next step will be to click on the search tab on the bottom.
Then click on Vendor and click search in the left bottom.

Purchase all
The last step is to purchase all items, if you have Allow bids like I do you won't have the item right away. Auctioneer automaticly chooses to buy out or bid so don't worry about it.

Spam the purchase in the left bottom to bid/buy all. You can use this macro to confirm Auctioneer that you want to buy:
/run if (AucAdvancedBuyPromptYes) then AucAdvancedBuyPromptYes:Click() end

zaterdag 30 januari 2010

Guaranteed money with Jewelcrafting.

You have Jewelcrafting at skill level 350 and want to level it higher and make money?
Here's a little trick.

You will need:
  • Huge Citrine, Sun Crystal or Bloodstone for 1g or less each
  • Eternal Earth for 5g or less each
You are gonna make:
Why these?
Let's do some math. Mats for each are 1 gem and 2 Crystallized Earth (5g/5 = 1g per 2)
If you get these mats for the prices I listed the costs will be 2g per Jewelry, but look at the vendor price, 3g14s wich is 1g14s per. This is always guaranteed money unless your vendor doesn't like you anymore.

Download this addon:
Now go to Esc > Interface > Addons and click Add item and add the items there to auto sell them to a vendor. Craft you bag full, open a vendor and auto profit :)

With a big supply of gems and Eternal Earth you should be able to make atleast 500g per hour.


    donderdag 28 januari 2010

    Massive Gold Blueprint review

    Massive Gold Blueprint


    What is the Massive Gold Blueprint?
    Simple said, in my opinion of the most advanced, updated, complete and detailed World of Warcraft gold making guide?
    And not just a guide, a whole serious with over 30 hours (atleast!) of video material!

    This guide works with Pipelines. What is a Pipeline you ask?
    A Pipeline is an item you know exactly what the price is, how often it sells, what the demand is, when it sells and what the supply is.
    Let's take a look at this video to make it all a bit more clear:

    Not convinced? This guide also makes clear that undercutting is just a myth. You don't need to undercut to get gold, you need to know what people are willing to pay, and they won't care if the item is 5g cheaper then they willing to pay. If they are willing to pay 20g, you will sell the item for 20g even though people will undercut the item till is at 10g. And that is excactly the moment you will buy. And no this is not setting up a monopoly, a monopoly guy will buy all items out and will try to sell the item for 30g, but less people are willing to buy then because it will be better for them to farm or let a friend craft that specific item. Let's take a look at another of the so many video's:

    Another great thing is that you don't need a level 80, don't need to have professions and don't need to farm!

    That should have convinced you, didn't it?
    Here's a last best deal!

    Retail Package Price: $127
    Join Today and Receive the Complete
    Massive Gold Blueprint  version 3.0
    including Exclusive Bonuses...
    Just $67 for Everything!

    Rerolling on another server? Pick up Enchanting!

    'Enchanting you say?' Yes I did, most people say it's the most expensive profession to level and they are right, it is extremely expensive to powerlevel, mostly because the pre-wotlk are extremely expensive now. Let's see what we will need for this:
    • An level 5 character with enchanting (a character that you plan on leveling with)
    • The Auctioneer Addon (
      Follow the instructions on that site to download it, by the time you read this the direct link might be outdated already. And make sure it's installed when you start this.
    • A couple gold wich you can gain with farming some boar meat or mine a few ores.
    Doesn't sound to complicated does it?

    Next step will be the Auction House. Walk to the Auction House with your character and open the Auctioneer.
    Click the double arrow (>>) button on top of the Auctioneer window twice to do a fast scan of all items and takes an average of the items posted, it is wise to do this a couple days in a row to make sure you didn't accidently scanned some overpriced items.

    Now go to the Search tab in the bottom of the Auctioneer window and click on disenchant.

    Here you see a couple things:
    • Use costum levels
      This an important one, take the upper slider for the minimum disenchanting needed for the item and the bottom one to your maximum skill, 250 in my case.
    • Allow bids - Allow Buy outs
      A little explanation on this one. Let's say you have an item that disenchants in 5 Strange Dust for average (The Auctioneer addon knows this) and 5 Strange Dust sell for 5g. The item is priced at 3,8g buyout and 1g bid. If you don't have Allow bids enabled it would simply ignore this item, but if you have it enabled it would almost automaticly bid for you.
    • Min discount
      Continue the above example. Let's say that the item was priced on 3,5g wich an average disenchant of 5 Strange Dust worth 5g. If you still have the discount at 50% it would ignore this item, but if you put it at like 80% it would have found it, but since Auctioneer only knows the averages of an item it could also disenchant in 3 or 4 Strange Dust, wich would only break you even when you sold it on the Auction House. So just keep it at 50% and you will be fine.
    The last step would be to click the 'Search' bottom in the left bottom. After clicking on it it should give you a window looking like this:

    Now you want to clear out the Auction House by bidding and buy out all the cheap stuff. Auctioneer automaticly chooses bid or buyout so don't worry about that. Then after you spammed Purchase you might wanna put the following macro on your action bar and spam it too so you don't have to click the yes button over and over to confirm that you actually wanna buy.
    /run if (AucAdvancedBuyPromptYes) then AucAdvancedBuyPromptYes:Click() end
    Well your last step would be disenchant everything and sell it on the Auction House, make sure you don't flood to much and put up for 48 hour since you have no fees.