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donderdag 4 februari 2010

What if the ICC is done and Cataclysm is coming?

It won't take extremely long or Icecrow Citadel will be done and the Lich King will be killed. When the last wing opens there will be a rush for all kinds of raid supplies, Flasks, Gems and enchants, demand will exceed supply on alot of servers. But what when the rush on all that is gone? Will the prices go down or will they keep steady because people want to level their alts to ICC gear too? My guess would be that prices would slowly go down till they reach a down point when Cataclysm release date is announced.

When Cataclysm finally hits I suggest you to sell all the new cloth (like Frostweave in WotLK) and try to save as much herbs and ores as u can. If you are on a high progressed server there soon will be a rush to all the raid supplies. I remember the beginning of WotLK when I bought Frost Lotus for 5g each, they are worth 60g now. Same goes for the new Titanium Ore. Raw mats for raid stuff will be cheap in the beginning and will slowly go up and cloth and meat etc will slowly go down like it was with WotLK. This is what I think atleast

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